Got plans? We’ve got the outfits! – Qua Skip to content

Got plans? We’ve got the outfits!

My worst nightmare came true yesterday. I was home scrolling through The Cut’s Instagram when one of my friends started calling me. She just got promoted and wanted to celebrate with a few (read: many) cocktails. Now at my 30-something age, impromptu plans aren’t welcomed as ardently as, say, a decade ago and impromptu outfit planning means I end up wearing the same tried-and-tested black outfit. Bored of my sartorial choices, I sought help from my kickass friend who works as a stylist at Qua. She quickly assembled an extensive list of outfits according to situations I’m most likely to encounter and the vibe each outfit carries. 

Scroll down to read her sage advice.

 1. Dancing

The Vibe - Short and Sexy

Possible Outcome - Dizziness from too much twirling

2. Decadent Dining

Winter Garden Lounge SetWinter Garden Lounge Set

Winter Garden Lounge Set

₹ 2,395 ₹ 3,995 40% OFF


The Vibe -  Jammies but make it fashion

Possible Outcome - No one can decide what to order for dinner

5. Birthday Dinner


The Vibe - Striking minimalism

Possible Outcome - Afternoon turns into night

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